JCCAA Web WordPress Training Class 4/6/2024

由 Website Committee John Huang (黃志強) 發起, 4/6 星期六有10位來自不同校友會代表參加 Web WordPress 操作入門課程. 參與會員們帶著自己的筆記型電腦, 跟著 John Huang 精心設計的課程, 一個步驟接著一個步驟, 學習如何用 WordPress 在 JCCAA 網站發布活動訊息, 包括如何作文字編輯, 加入照片/影片及其他網站連結 (如YouTube) 等等. John 老師深入簡出詳細的說明, 加上有小幫手第二副會長 June Chou 從旁協助大家, 新手們在短短一個半小時就學會初步操作. 課程中 WordPress Server 有 Crash 凍結的現象, 校友會員們開玩笑說: 可能是因為新手菜鳥太多, 同時間在同一個平台操作, Web Server 應接不暇, 過度運轉, 轉不動了!約十分鐘後,Web Server 又自動恢復。

會長戴珮青課程結束後表示: “謝謝John 老師為大家上了一堂 WordPress 使用操作的課, 也謝謝所有來參加講習的會員朋友們, 很歡迎各校友會利用 JCCAA 的網站來發布宣傳校友會的活動”. 第一副會長辜千慈, 則為大家建立了群組, 希望會員們繼續切磋學習!

How to make a web post

Web Development Topics:

What Is WordPress?

  • WordPress is a free, open-source website creation platform.
  • There are an estimated 64 million websites currently using WordPress.
  • Over 400 million people visit WordPress websites every month.
  • 661 new WordPress sites go live each and every day.
  • There are over 50,000 plugins available to enhance your WordPress website.
  • WordPress is available in 57 different languages, making it a truly global platform.
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JCCAA Website Policy Statement

We advise all website users to be prudent and diligent, and take the necessary precautions and measures to comply with the JCCAA bylaws while utilizing JCCAA website to share or post information and materials about our organization or member organizations.

We urge all website users to keep away from those topics, contents or materials that are sensitive, controversial or inappropriate in nature such as but not limited to politics, religions, races, etc., which may result in discord, disruption, animosity or hostility within our organization or among our members.

We reserve the right to remove those publications that are deemed unsuitable in accordance with the above policy and to terminate the publishing privileges of those users that do not adhere to our policy.

For each JCCAA alumni web developer, please email your draft post title to: web.committee@jccaa.org by Wednesday. Then JCCAA web committee will publish your draft post on the following Friday. If you have any question about JCCAA website development, please also email to web.committee@jccaa.org.

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How to login WordPress?

After you login, you enter WordPress Dashboard.

This is the Dashboard of WordPress.

You can change your password via “👤Profile” ➜ “New Password” ➜ “Set New Password”.  {Note: DONOT change “Display name publicly as”}. Then click “Update Profile”.

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How to add a new Post in draft

From WordPress ⏲ Dashboard ➜ 📌Posts ➜ All Posts, click “Add New” to start a new post. {Notice: WordPress adopts “Post” word to represent all web pages you create. Therefore, WordPress uses “Page” to represent another meaning.}

This is a brand new post.
Click to the top of page

Add Title and Select Your school Category

It is required to enter Title and School Category for each new post.

If your Title contains any Chinese characters (i.e.海洋大學), click “Preview” might get “Bad Request” page, as below: {Note: DONOT click “Publish”}

If your Title contains any Chinese characters (i.e.海洋大學), click “Preview” might get “Bad Request” page.

To solve the above problem, you need to change the “Permalink” to be ALL ENGLISH letters inside the “URL Slug” field.

You need to change from “海洋大學” to “Ocean-University”, then click “Save draft”. {Note: DONOT click “Publish”}

Then click “Preview in new tab”. 

Preview your post in draft
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How to change you post status between "Published" and Draft"?

In case you click “Publish” accidentally,  you can change post status from “Published” to “Draft” by following the two steps below:

  1. From ⏲ Dashboard ➜ 📌Posts ➜ All Posts, move cursor to the published post Title. The “Quick Edit” option appears. 
  2. Click “Quick Edit”. Change “Status” from “Published” to “Draft”. Then click “Update”.
Click to the top of page

How to edit your new post with “Elementor” widgets?

Now it is ready to edit your new post with Elementor, which provides many user-friendly tools, called widgets, for your web post editing. Click “Edit with Elementor”.

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How to write your text contents ?

Three steps to write text contents in your new post:

  1. Drag the “Text Editor” widget into here (the white box here)
  2. Enter your texts into “Text Editor”, It will show up in your post. 
  3. Then click “Save draft”.  {Note: DONOT click “Publish”}
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How to add a photo image?

Six steps to add image (width: 1024 pixel) into your post

  1. Drag the “Image” widget into here (the white box here)
  2. Move mouse to “Choose Image”. Then click “Choose Image”.
  3. From “Upload Files“ tab, “Select Files” of your photo from your PC.
  4. Option: You may add link (Custom URL) to this photo image by clicking “Link ➜ Custom URL”. 
  5. Option: After entering your desired URL, you may set to “Open in new window” by clicking Link Option symbol “✵”.
  6. Then click “Save draft”.  {Note: DONOT click “Publish”}
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How to use "button" to open a PDF file in a new window?

  1. Upload your PDF file into JCCAA WordPress:
  2. From Dashboard ➜ Media ➜ Add New, select PDF file from your PC.
  3. After uploading, copy PDF’s URL to clipboard. (i.e. https://www.jccaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/JCCAA-Web-dev-class-names.pdf)
  4. Goto the Elementor, drag the “Button” widget into here (the white box here).
  5. Enter Text “Click here to view the PDF file” in the Button.
  6. Enter Link (of PDF’s URL) “https://www.jccaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/JCCAA-Web-dev-class-names.pd”.
  7. Select Link Option “Open in new window” via clicking symbol “✵”.
  8. Select Alignment to be “Center”.
  9. Select Size to be “Large”.
  10. Finally click “Save draft”.  {Note: DONOT click “Publish”}
Click here to the top of page
Click to top of page

How to embed a PDF file document?

Use plugin “PDF-Embedder” by “Text Editor” widget with the text contents: [ pdf-embedder url = “https://drive.google.com/…” ]

Follow the following steps to embed a PDF file document into your post:

  1. Get PDF’s URL from either Google Drive or uploading your PDF file into JCCAA WordPress.

1.1.  Option: Upload your PDF file into JCCAA WordPress

1.2. From Dashboard ➜ Media ➜ Add New, select PDF file from your PC.

1.3. After uploading, copy URL to clipboard. (i.e. https://www.jccaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/JCCAA-Web-dev-class-names.pdf)

  1. Drag the “Text Editor” widget into here (the white box here)
  2. Enter the following text into “Text Editor” field:

pdf-embedder url=”https://www.jccaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/JCCAA-Web-dev-class-names.pdf” ]

  1. Then click “Save draft”.  {Note: DONOT click “Publish”}

* How to preview your post in draft?

From Dashboard ➜ Posts ➜ All Posts, Move cursor to your post name (draft), then click “Preview”.

Preview and click to try it in a new window.
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  1. Drag the “Button” widget into here (the white box here).
  2. Enter Text “Click here to open the Zoom meeting” in the Button.
  3. Enter Link “https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85417089124?pwd=dU45dU53RnJPUlhBbm4reVNINzl2QT09”. 
  4. Select Link Option “Open in new window” via clicking symbol “✵”.
  5. Select Alignment to be “Center”.
  6. Select Size to be “Large”.
  7. Select Icon library via clicking symbol “●”.
  8. Select user circle icon “☻”. Then click “Insert”.
  9. Change Button background color.
  10. Change Button’s Motion Effects.
  11. Finally click “Save draft”.  {Note: DONOT click “Publish”}
This is icon library, containing many icons for you to choose.

Change Button background color by tabbing “Style ⚈”. Then select Color Picker via clicking Color symbol “🟩”.

You can choose any kind of colors in Color Picker popup window.

Change Button’s Motion Effects by tabbing “Advanced ⚙︎”. Then select “Motion Effects” ➜ “Entrance Animation” ➜ “Bouncing” ➜ “Bounce in Left”. Finally click “Save draft”.  {Note: DONOT click “Publish”}

How to use “Button” widget to send an email (open to compose email in a new window)?

  1. Drag the “Button” widget into here (the white box here).
  2. Enter Text “Click here to send an email” in the Button Text.
  3. Enter Link “mailto: SomeoneName@gmail.com”. 
  4. Select Link Option “Open in new window” via clicking symbol “✵”.
  5. Select Alignment to be “Center”.
  6. Select Size to be “Large”.
  7. Select Icon library via clicking symbol “●”. Then select Envelope icon “✉️”. 
  8. Finally click “Save draft”.  {Note: DONOT click “Publish”}
Preview and click to try it in a new window.
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How to post a Google Drive photo album?

Prerequisite: You already have Google Drive photos album as:


  1. Make a screenshot image of Google photo album. The image width is 1024 pixel.
  2. Use the “Image” widget to choose this image from your PC. 
  3. Enter image Custom URL field as a prerequisite Google Drive album’s URL: https://photos.app.goo.gl/YcXcJEgYEvt99NHA8
  4. Set Link option as “Open in new window”.
  5. Finally click “Save draft”.  {Note: DONOT click “Publish”}
Screenshot image of Google photo album

Use the “Image” widget to choose the above image from your PC.

Preview and click to try it in a new window.
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How to embed a YouTube video?

Prerequisite: You already have YouTub video URL as:


  1. Drag the “Video” widget into here (the white box here)
  2. Select Source: “YouTube”. Enter Link: https://youtu.be/8fhl8fdlsLA
  3. Finally click “Save draft”.  {Note: DONOT click “Publish”}
Preview and click to try it in a new window.
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How to embed a Google Map?

  1. Drag the “Google Maps” widget into here (the white box here)
  2. In the Location field, enter your address or attraction name (i.e. Houston Museum of Natural Science).
  3. Finally click “Save draft”.  {Note: DONOT click “Publish”}
Preview and click to try it in a new window.
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The internal anchor link is linked within the same web page. When you click on an internal anchor link in the “FROM” section (widget), you will scroll automatically to the referred  “TO” section (widget) and display it on the same web page. The internal link name is followed by the hash sign(#), called CSS ID. You have to assign this CSS ID to refer section of the same web page.  The following steps show how to assign CSS ID and to link to #CSS ID, using “Web-Topics” as example: 

  1. Assign the CSS ID in the “TO” section (widget). Tab the widget “✫Advanced” ➜ “CSS ID”, enter CSS ID name: “Web-Topics”.
  2. Link the #CSS ID in the “FROM” section (widget). Tab the widget “✎Content” ➜ “Link”, enter #CSS ID name: “#Web-Topics”.
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Do not change your “Nickname” and “Display name publicly as” in “Profile”. And do not enter any text in "Tags" field from "Quick Edit".

In order to recognize easily who publishes the web post, please do not change your “Nickname” and  “Display name publicly as” in “Profile”.

Do not enter any text in “Tags” field from “Quick Edit”. This “Tags” field is reserved to be used by JCCAA web administrator.

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Useful References

WordPress reference:

The complete recording of the Alumni Website Development Training class is uploaded into YouTube, as below:


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美國4/9/2022 (六) 

10:00 am – 14:00 pm (CDT)

8:00 am- 12:00 pm  (PDT)

台灣4/10/2022 (日) 11:00 pm – 3:00 am (GST-8)

🌱地點: 僑教中心 教室111 



🌱費用: 學生$5, 普通票$10。線上參與免費。

👉報名方式: https://forms.gle/ZaSJj5shTX5RAe5z5 (Google表單)👈


10:00 AM : Opening

10:15 AM : Insights into Future Electric Mobility IYun Hsieh (Lisa Hsieh, 台大土木系助理教授)

11:15 AM : 電動車智慧充電系統 張敏君 (Jennifer Chang, 拓連科技公司CEO)

12:00 AM : Lunch & social networking

1:00 PM: Tesla and its Technologies 尹明潭 (Thomas Yin, UC Berkely校友) 

2:00 PM: Adjourn and Networking



美南大專院校聯合校友會 2021 良師計畫開始接受報名!

親愛的美南大專院校聯合校友會的校友們, 大家好,

很高興地再向大家報告. 緊接著我們將在 10/23 日舉行的職場跨域菁英論壇, 良師顧問計畫委員會在幾位年輕委員的加入後, 也開始第三期招生的工作. 將延續一天的菁英論壇以及運用過去完成的二期經驗, 繼續為休士頓地區在學及在職的有為新秀搭起與本地資深導師互動交流的平台.
本期六個月的計畫, 感謝前期資深導師的持續支持以及新導師的加入. 活動將從今年 11 月開始至明年4月結束. 活動期間安排導師與僑青進行小組及私下的互動. 各位校友可在所附的宣傳檔案中找到報名的資料.
我代表良師顧問計畫委員會誠摯地邀請各位向認識的年輕校友們多多推廣宣傳, 並邀請身邊的第二, 第三代的子弟共襄盛舉. 若對活動有任何問題或指教, 請回信賜教.
祝 鈞安
美南大專院校聯合校友會 會長

許健彬 敬上





我謹代表主辦單位誠摯邀請各大校友會參與盛會。請您透過組隊登記,或是將訊息轉發給公司行號和羽球同好,一起支持參與本次活動。截至今日隊伍名額剩下不到一半,鼓勵您及早登記。如果各校友會有興趣參加比賽但是人數不足,推薦聯繫JCCAA大專校聯會許健彬會長James Hsu (jamesbin@hotmail.com),共同組隊。


  1. 各組每隊選手人數應至少六人,唯不得超過十人,每人限報一組。
  2. 各組以學校或組織名稱組隊參加,限全職工作或就學於同校或同組織。
  3. 全學生隊$60;一般隊伍$150;贊助隊伍$300


會長 辜千慈 Amy Ku

副會長 丁偉倫 Allen Ting


美南大專院校聯合校友會 2021 職涯跨域菁英論壇

各位親愛的校聯會校友們, 大家好,
與家人度過團團圓圓的中秋節後, 清爽的秋風終於也驅趕了休士頓炎熱的暑氣. 我很高興地向各位報告. 歷經多月的策畫, 校聯會一年一度的職場跨域菁英論壇, 將在 10 月 23 日星期六 早上 10 點在休士頓華僑文教服務中心舉行.
本次論壇即使在疫情的限制之下, 經過工作團隊的發想, 特別思索疫情對人們生活及工作型態的轉變, 將論壇主題設定在針對多變的世局, 開創不同職涯的選項並邀請成功人士分享親身的經驗. 除此之外, 針對在學以及在職的朋友, 也另外加入與生活息息相關的研討內容. 各位校友可在所附的宣傳海報中參考論壇的詳細安排以及報名方式.

我代表工作團隊誠摯的懇請各位多多向親朋好友推廣宣傳, 並特別邀請身邊認識的年輕朋友或是在美第二, 第三代的子弟共襄盛舉. 若對活動有任何問題或指教, 請回信賜教.

祝 鈞安

美南大專院校聯合校友會 會長

許健彬 敬上

報名倒計時: ★雙十中秋賞月★ 9/25邀您團圓賞樂

主旨: 報名倒計時: ★雙十中秋賞月★ 9/25邀您團圓賞樂




(民國110年) 2021年9月25日下午3點,校友會延攬當地校友和僑胞分享歌唱舞蹈才藝,並和東風樂團合作,以樂會友,將共同呈現豐富精采的音樂表演節目。校友會將帶來與中秋、人生相呼應的中英文主題曲演唱,和活潑感性的舞蹈表演。響應台灣雙十國慶,我們也將以長笛演奏重新詮釋校園名歌–望春風組曲,並由資深學長以打竹板形式回味台灣民謠,相信會給大家一個浪漫溫馨、活力滿載的慶中秋午後。


★ 活動:2021雙十中秋賞月

★ 時間:2021年9月25日週六,中部時間下午3點

★ 地點:觀看線上直播,或是參加現場活動 (10303 Westoffice Dr., Houston, TX 77042)

★ 報名:https://forms.gle/h3yvK1ktd9MjKpTH8

★ 聯絡:Email (ntuaah2alumni@gmail.com)

★ 海報:請見附件


本活動採取實體演出,開放限額現場座位 (附抽獎和節慶餐盒),並歡迎各位觀賞直播、雲端同樂。

請於9月21日中秋節前登記報名,若有意願參加抽獎抓住小幸運 (商家禮卡、禮品、課程體驗等等),請見下方說明取得抽獎資格,讓彼此歡樂加值。

  抽獎方法1. 購買現場票 (座位有限,欲購從速)
  抽獎方法2. 報名線上參加並小額捐款$5以上金額,一人一個抽獎名額
  抽獎方法3. 參加『慶中秋、有你真好』主題的影片和照片募集活動 (https://forms.gle/sjoqsBfsGrT68pst6)。


🎑中秋佳節  團圓喜樂

休士頓台大校友會 會長 辜千慈 (Amy)


Amy Ku (amy.ku@alumni.bcm.edu) Cell: 408-893-0236

2021 NTUAAH President

National Taiwan University Alumni Association in Houston (休士頓台大校友會) | Email | Website | FB