What is Roles and Capabilities in WordPress

WordPress uses a concept of Roles, designed to give the site owner the ability to control what users can and cannot do within the site. A site owner can manage the user access to such tasks as writing and editing postscreating Pagescreating categoriesmoderating commentsmanaging pluginsmanaging themes, and managing other users, by assigning a specific role to each of the users.

WordPress has six pre-defined roles: Super AdminAdministratorEditorAuthorContributor and Subscriber. Each role is allowed to perform a set of tasks called Capabilities. There are many capabilities including “publish_posts“, “moderate_comments“, and “edit_users“. A default set of capabilities is pre-assigned to each role, but other capabilities can be assigned or removed using the add_cap() andremove_cap() functions. New roles can be introduced or removed using the add_role() and remove_role() functions.

The Super Admin role allows a user to perform all possible capabilities. Each of the other roles has a decreasing number of allowed capabilities. For instance, the Subscriber role has just the “read” capability. One particular role should not be considered to be senior to another role. Rather, consider that roles define the user’s responsibilities within the site.

Summary of Roles #Summary of Roles

·         Super Admin – somebody with access to the site network administration features and all other features. See the Create a Network article.

·         Administrator (slug: ‘administrator’) – somebody who has access to all the administration features within a single site.

·         Editor (slug: ‘editor’) – somebody who can publish and manage posts including the posts of other users.

·         Author  (slug: ‘author’)  – somebody who can publish and manage their own posts.

·         Contributor (slug: ‘contributor’) – somebody who can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them.

·         Subscriber (slug: ‘subscriber’) – somebody who can only manage their profile.

Upon installing WordPress, an Administrator account is automatically created.

The default role for new users can be set in Administration Screens > Settings > General.

Roles and Capabilities | WordPress.org

How to adjust the JCCAA homepage appearance

Advanced Topics:

  • How to add a new Category?
  • How to make Menu setting?
  • How to add JCCAA Logo?
  • How to change JCCAA background image?
  • How to customize Widgets on right-side Sidebar?

How to Add a New Category to WordPress

In your WordPress dashboard click on posts. You will see the Categories option click on it.

As you can see there are already a few categories created. Let’s add a new category called “slider”. Then click “Add New Category” button.

How to make menu setting

The Menu on the top enables us to create a custom menu (also known as a navigation bar, navigation menu, or main menu). It is a section of the site that helps visitors to navigate the site.

In our menu, we can add different items such as links to pages, articles, categories, or custom links to the URL of my choice, such as another site, and then choose the order of the items and their hierarchy (possibility of creating submenus). In short, our menu is fully customizable.

The Appearance Menu Screen is accessible from the Dashboard via Appearance > Menus.

Two steps to add a new menu (For example: Add “Feng Chia (逢甲大學)” submenu):

  1. Click Appearance ➡︎ Menus ➡︎ Customer Links, enter URL & Link Text, then click “Add to Menu”
  2. In Menu structure, drag the new menu “Feng Chia (逢甲大學)” to become “JCCAA Alumni” submenu. Then click “Save Menu”.

JCCAA 2021 年獎助學金得主名單

           美南大專院校聯合校友會 2021 年獎助學金得主名單揭曉:

今年的獎助學金得獎者總共錄取 45 名 (24 名高中生、18 名大學生、3 名博士班研究生)。總計發出九萬八仟五百元獎助學金。

1. 校聯會傳統獎學金,金額共計六仟元。 學業成績獎五名,得獎者是: 劉世博、江霖緗、鄧嬌嬌、陳威華、馮蔚嵐。社區服務獎一名: Huda Zia。每名一仟元。

2. 休士頓臺北幸安小學校友會獎學金,金額共計八仟元。得獎者是: 傑出學生獎 游富堯 金額三仟元。課外活動獎 張正美、丁思雅、謝宜彤、德安棣。社區服務獎 谷懷文 每名一仟元。

3. 樓迪善將軍及夫人紀念獎學金,台灣大學校友樓一中先生為紀念父母親樓迪善將軍及夫人所設。金額一仟元。得獎者是:學業成績獎 林俐臻。

4. 夏元治先生及夫人紀念獎學金,台灣大學校友夏慧芸女士及夏尚權先生為紀念父母親夏元治先生及夫人所設。金額二仟元。得獎者是:領導才能獎 余海倫 、劉彥維 每名一仟元。

5. 張玉瑩女士紀念獎學金,文化大學校友黃登陸先生為紀念夫人張玉瑩女士而設。金額一仟元。得獎者是:社區服務獎 李施惠。

6. 台北科技大學校友獎學金,國立台北科技大學校友劉素雲女士所設。金額一仟元。得獎者是:課外活動獎 侯喬薰。

7. 范增瑩女士紀念獎學金,台灣大學校友蔡亞麟先生為紀念夫人范增瑩女士所設。金額三仟元。得獎者是:社區服務獎 張睿桓。

8. RLC 基金會助學金,金額共計一萬七仟元。得獎者是:黃美玲、縱馳宇 每名四 仟元。佘驊剛、劉家昕、馬寶雪 每名三仟元。

9. 張東朝先生及夫人紀念獎學金, NSBB Charitable Fund 提供。金額共計一萬二 仟元。得獎者是:劉安格、薛沛恩、文秋雯、 Andrea Martinez 每名三仟元。

10. 休士頓臺北幸安小學校友會助學金,金額共計一萬一仟元。得獎者是: 劉家綺、黃允恩、佘崇華 每名三仟元。張舜喬 二仟元。

11. 林瑞發先生紀念獎學金,台灣大學校友林宗生先生為紀念父親林瑞發先生而 設。金額三仟元。得獎者是:曾凱筠。

12. 劉楊秀鶴女士紀念獎學金,政治大學校友劉旭強女士為紀念母親劉楊秀鶴女士 而設立的。金額三仟元。得獎者是: Yazmin Lucio。

13.舒喬(Joel Schmieg)先生紀念獎學金,台灣大學校友許淑娟女士為紀念先生舒喬 Joel Schmieg 所設。金額四仟元。得獎者是: Hera Oduche。

14. 馬驥驃博士紀念獎學金,銘傳大學校友胡小蓮女士為紀念先生馬驥驃博士所 設。金額三仟元。得獎者是:Donald Rolston。

15.校聯會助學金。金額三仟元。得獎者是:Madelline Bethancourt Betancourth。

16.顧志慧女士紀念獎學金,淡江大學校友吳曉農先生為紀念夫人顧志慧女士所設。金額三仟元。得獎者是:Ngoc Quynh Ngan Ngo。

17.凌坤女士紀念獎學金,台灣大學校友陳碧雲女士為紀念母親凌坤女士而設立。金額二仟元。得獎者是:Kymani Gordon。

18. 謝文治教授及夫人音樂紀念獎學金,藝術大學校友謝家鳳女士為紀念父母親謝文治教授及夫人所設。金額二仟元。得獎者是:戴光彥。

19.石山地產音樂獎學金,石山地產 James and Leeshan Birney 莊麗香女士提供。金額二仟元。得獎者是:許涵寧。

20.校聯會華裔青年從政獎學金。金額四仟元。得獎者是:林若雅、鍾宇飛 每名二 仟元。

21. 校聯會青年領導才能/社區服務獎學金。金額四仟元。得獎者是:陳伊瑋、 葉佳宜 每名二仟元。

22. 國際臺北大師星秀音樂節獎學金,休士頓臺北幸安小學校友會提供。 金額三仟五佰元。得獎者是:李昀 金額二仟伍佰元,防疫專款 金額一仟元.

有關獎學金事宜,請洽美南大專院校聯合校友會獎助學金召集人 鄭大展 281-919-9576 或 聯絡人 戴珮青 281-536-5132。

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    Travel Registration Form for testing

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      How to use iPhone’s iMovie app to make a short film 

      You will learn how to create a short film using iMovie app. The course is designed to provide you with hands-on experience in video editing. You learn to import photos and videos from your iPhone’s Photos app into iMovie app. Then, you learn how to trim, arrange clips, add music background, transitions, and text overlays to build a creative narrative in your film. You will also learn the Ken Burns effect to make photos dynamic. In addition, you will master advanced techniques like split-screen, picture-in-picture, playback speed, and green screen magic. Finally, you will share your finished short film with the world! 

      By the end of the course, you will have the skills to create a professional-looking short film that you can be proud of. 

      LLC Short Film Showcases & Competition 風 雅 集 短 片 觀 摩 賽 01/12/2021

      感謝十一位風雅集會友提供短片參與觀摩賽,我們將YouTube link分列於下.請各位欣賞.並且按‘like’ ,鼓勵參與者的創作及分享。


      1月23日(下星期六)下午二時kickoff 時,會播放短片及頒發獎金給得獎者。請各位參加。

      另外,本星期六下午二時,請張文麗及余兆一兩位醫師分享最新Covid-19 資訊,疫苗接種的影響及可能的發展。